
















1. 西湖龙井:被誉为“绿茶皇后”,具有抗氧化、抗衰老、清热解毒、提神醒脑等功效,适合长期饮用。

桑拿2. 红茶:红茶中的茶多酚具有抗氧化的作用,可以帮助降低心血管疾病的风险。同时,红茶还有助于消化,适合饭后饮用。

3. 乌龙茶:乌龙茶具有降脂、减肥、抗衰老等功效,适合喜欢运动、注重健康的人群。

4. 普洱茶:普洱茶具有降脂、减肥、抗氧化、抗衰老等作用,尤其适合长期饮用。











1. 西湖龙井茶园

2. 杭州茶叶博物馆

3. 西溪国家湿地公园

4. 岳王庙茶楼

5. 茶文化村

6. 茶艺馆







1. 水疗养生:杭州布莱克水疗中心引进了国际先进的水疗设备,结合中医养生理念,推出了一系列特色水疗项目。如:土耳其蒸汽浴、瑞典桑拿、冰疗、热石疗等,旨在帮助客户缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、增强免疫力。

2. 美容护肤:中心设有专业的美容护肤区,提供多种美容护肤服务。如:面部护理、身体护理、足部护理等,采用国际知名品牌护肤品,为顾客打造水嫩肌肤。

3. 精油按摩:中心拥有资深按摩师,运用中医推拿、泰式按摩、瑞典按摩等手法,为客户缓解肌肉酸痛、改善血液循环、提高身体活力。

4. 香薰疗法:中心设有香薰区,采用天然植物精油,通过嗅觉刺激,帮助客户放松身心、缓解压力。

5. 足疗养生:足疗是中心的一大特色项目,通过专业技师的手法,结合中草药,为客户舒缓疲劳、改善睡眠、调节内分泌。



1. 水疗区:设有多个水疗池,客户可以根据需求选择不同的水温、水流强度。

2. 按摩区:设有多个按摩房,私密性强,环境舒适。

3. 美容护肤区:设有多个美容护肤室,设备先进,服务专业。

4. 香薰区:设有多个香薰房,环境宜人,适合放松身心。

5. 健身区:设有健身器材,客户可以在享受水疗服务的同时,进行适当的锻炼。





















1. 髋部按摩师运用手法轻柔地按摩我的髋部肌肉,力度适中。在按摩过程中,我感受到了按摩师的手法细腻,仿佛有一种魔力,能够穿透我的皮肤,直达筋骨。

2. 髋部按摩师采用多种按摩技巧,如推、拿、揉、捏等,针对髋部肌肉进行深度放松。在按摩的过程中,我逐渐感受到了肌肉的紧张逐渐缓解,身体逐渐放松。

3. 在按摩的过程中,髋部按摩师还运用了热敷、刮痧等辅助手法,进一步促进血液循环,缓解肌肉酸痛。

4. 整个按摩过程持续了大约一个小时,期间我仿佛进入了一个全新的世界,感受着身心愉悦的旅程。


1. 按摩后,我明显感觉到髋部肌肉的酸痛得到了缓解,身体轻松了许多。

2. 按摩过程中,髋部按摩师的专业手法让我对按摩有了全新的认识,原来按摩不仅可以缓解肌肉酸痛,还可以促进血液循环,提高免疫力。

3. 按摩后的几天,我发现自己睡眠质量有所提高,工作状态也更加饱满。



1. 选择专业、正规的按摩馆,确保按摩效果。

2. 在按摩前,与按摩师充分沟通,说明自己的需求。

3. 按摩后,注意休息,适当补充水分。

4. 定期进行按摩,让身心得到充分的放松。








1. 桑拿房:采用高品质的芬兰桑拿设备,通过高温蒸汽促进血液循环,帮助身体排出毒素,达到养生保健的效果。

2. 按摩室:馆内设有专业的按摩师,提供全身按摩、局部按摩、中医按摩等多种服务,帮助顾客缓解疲劳,舒缓身心。

3. 足浴区:采用天然中草药泡脚,促进足部血液循环,缓解脚部疲劳,改善睡眠。

4. 茶室:提供各种名优茶叶,让顾客在品茗的同时,感受中国传统文化的魅力。
















推荐理由:黄龙饭店-D‘cafe自助餐厅位于西湖区曙光路120号中国杭州黄龙饭店,餐厅环境宽敞,餐品种类繁多,包括海鲜、甜品、热菜以及地方特色美食如biang biang面、肉夹馍、缙云烧饼等。窗外便是美丽的莫奈花园,用餐体验极佳。人均约325元。









Green leaves reality was JiaoFei openly refused to face immediately pulled to angrily color way "if I count you two, I decree by destiny you really people will accept disciples at will? If your teacher can compare with the Luofu Taoist School? "

Chapter Luo Fu’s Three Thousand Dharmas, Dharma, Dharma and Spirit
Jiao Feigen was too lazy to say "It’s really hard to do it" with the "Luo Fu Da Pai" green leaf real person Luo Chan, and then he stopped. The green leaf real person was furious with a silver mane in his palm and suddenly flew many sparks when he shook the dust. When the soldiers saw this, they dared to dissuade them. Is to separate a few quick-footed people to tell the news, and the rest are quietly avoiding for fear of being ruined.
Green leaf reality a drink a way "our Louvre is the first big faction in the day, and my younger brother can worship it and learn how many people ask for opportunities. It’s really hateful that you two are so disrespectful."
Jiao Fei heard this sentence from Brother Wan and laughed, "Our Tianhe Sword Sect is less than 200 people. The other nine sects are similar to our Tianhe Sword Sect, and even the nine sects add up to only 23,000 people. This Louvre Taoist Sect is really the first in the world and just doesn’t know how to do it."
Seeing that Jiao Fei was young, Qingye reality was wondering if he had lost his identity under a little pressure. Suddenly, a fair-skinned person with a little rouge became more and more popular and said, "Qingye reality’s magic power is honored faster than you dare to offend. Apologize! Although Qingye is generous and unwilling to punish you, I can’t bear it in Poyang. "
Jiao Fei said, "I don’t know if Hou Jing wants to call this Taoist priest. If he has any big family and country issues, wouldn’t it be necessary for me to land all these Taoist priests?" Or slightly to let them back down? Don’t sweep the whole face of this green leaf and make this Poyang ashamed. "
Although this green leaf is arrogant, he is the highest among all the Taoist priests. Two or three of the remaining more than ten Taoist priests even have a condensed spirit. It seems that they have reached the third induction realm of refining gas, and a few more barely understand the gas. Even though they know a little about fur, they are not much better than ordinary people. At most, it is difficult to catch ghosts and deal with ordinary strong men.
Poyang sees Jiao Fei and doesn’t do it. This little monk is afraid that his background has declined. Seeing Qingye’s reality, if he has magical powers, he wants to be close to him several times. This is even more Smith. "If you don’t say anything, I will send a magic weapon to take you."
Jiao Fei’s heart said, "If you can come up with a magic weapon, it’s hard to say that your master Jiao is going to kill people and steal goods. I’m afraid that you didn’t do such a thing. Our Tianhe Sword Sect just taught Guo Zhen to have a few magic weapons. Even Chen Taizhen and Su Zhen’s two brothers didn’t want to see what you can come up with!" Thought of here, Jiao Fei drank a "I’m just an old master who refused to change to Luo Fu. What’s offensive? If you really want to do it, I’m afraid of you, okay? If you have an instrument, I won’t have it! "
JiaoFei so a drink Pan Yang suddenly annoyed big sleeve a shake suddenly flew out of a rope to JiaoFei saw is also a smile andao "not much stuff than mixed yuan Shi Jiang is not as good as Heshan Road several multiplier also dare to take it out to show off and claim to be a magic weapon or just teach him a little lesson"
Jiao Fei put his hand in the sleeve and flew out a piece of paper to meet the illusion of a colorful firm but gentle. A twist cut Pan Yang’s rope. This rope is just ordinary green hemp rubbing, which makes the spell refined and able to bind the enemy. What’s surprising about resisting Jiao Fei’s sword? Before Jiao flew away from Tianhe Sword Sect, he refined 36 pieces of gourd swords. The gourd sword tactic should be refined into hardware essence, and the power of shock wave to meet the enemy immediately is not much worse than that of ordinary sword-controlling and sword-flying. You know, although the multiplier is also heavy, it is more important to sacrifice.
Jiao Fei’s hand suddenly made all the Taoist priests feel awkward. Pan Yang lost his sight while the gimmick was glassy-eyed. It was also a bundle of demon ropes. But it was not a table-top thing for him to focus on flying. But it took him a lot of effort to refine the multiplier. Once he lost his heart, he regretted it. It was like gouging out the heart of Poyang. He was busy looking at the green leaf reality. He expected the Louvre master to help him vent his anger. When he saw Jiao Fei’s hand to cut the demon sword, he also muttered in his heart, "I can’t see the mana level of this little Taoist, but I can He actually refined a flying sword, so I lost to the hateful. I have refined dozens of pieces of multiplier for decades, but none of them have such power. "When he saw Jiao Fei’s gourd sword symbol, his heart was so powerful that he was afraid of the cold hum. He also ignored Jiao Fei and Poyang and went back to his original place.
Jiao Fei raised his hand to take the gourd sword back to his heart. It’s also funny to say, "I didn’t expect that even such a shallow spell as beheading the demon sword can throw its weight around to see that green leaf’s real hands and feet cringe. He is also a refined figure. Didn’t he ever sacrifice a protective instrument?" Jiao Fei doesn’t know that the Louvre Sect is also known as the door, but it is generally a sage like Heshan Road.
The Louvre Sect is known as the "Louvre 3,000 Dharmas and Ways to Communicate with the Gods". Among the sects, the complexity of spells is the best in the world. It’s impossible to repair the spells in the Louvre. A Louvre brother who doesn’t learn dozens of spells is also embarrassed to go out. These complicated spells are not as powerful as the side doors and are not much higher than the scattered repairs to fool mortals. It’s also a great mystery. Poor monks at the same level are far from fighting.
Luo Fu sent a serious monastic tactic and a town sent a Ziyun tactic, which was never given to ordinary brothers. This Ziyun tactic is also very secret. Every time it is built into a protective layer, Xiangyun becomes a kind of color. The highest color is pure purple. Although the green leaf reality barely reached the realm of refining gas, the qualification is poor, and this life has stopped. I have not learned Luo Fu’s true Ziyun tactic. Although it is refined, even a serious instrument cannot be refined.
Jiao Fei was not surprised. "This Taoist brother just ruined your instrument by mistake, but he didn’t know what to do?" Poyang saw that the reality of Qingye also retreated with great indignation and hatred. "Little Zamao, you don’t satirize me. I will wait here for you to kill me. It’s not wrong to have eyes dead in your hands."
It’s not a surprise that Jiao Fei saw this Poyang actually say such cruel words. A faint smile said, "This brother said that even if he quarreled with you and me, he talked about killing." After that, Jiao Fei ignored this Poyang and sat casually in the corner to refine his gas. After this storm, all the Taoist priests dared not provoke Jiao Fei and Su Huan again. Soon, Yumen Shoujiang Hou Jingtong, the immortal officer Kouxun, came to this military camp together, but he didn’t. Learning Taoism, but that Kouxun is a disciple of the Dragon and Tiger Sect in the West Xuanshan Mountain. Although he was sent to seek wealth because of his failure to cultivate, after all, his legacy is hard. Although Kouxun is a third-tier monk who refined gas, he made Qingye’s real person and his two-tier Shura floating Sect "master" lower.
All the monks came in to greet Hou Jing and Coulson. Jiao Fei not only didn’t worship, but even leaned in his seat. Hou Jing frowned slightly. He said, "This little monk is unruly. I don’t know which family sent his brother. Although I have asked these monks, I always guard against him and don’t lose anything." Although Coulson also saw Jiao Fei sitting high, he naturally had some tolerance. Although Coulson was sent to the mountain, he still hoped that one day he would be able to go back to the mountain to practice this kind of things.
Hou Jing held his wrist and handed it over to Lang, saying, "A few days ago, when Hou Jing was guarding Yumen, there were demon people from the western regions who came to spy on me. I was afraid that these demon people were up to no good to me in the Tang Dynasty. It was only then that you were invited to help train a road soldier. I also hope that you can see that you are in the same vein as China. Don’t refuse your Taoist priests in Yumen. All of them are military expenditures. If you are interested in driving in the Tang Dynasty, I can also play in the air and seal the immortal officer for you."
These Taoist priests are also quite excited to hear that they have the opportunity to be immortal officials. They are all used to being sloppy. When they talk about it, the immortal officials of the Tang Dynasty and the military commanders and civil servants can’t lead the troops or manage the government. However, the salary is twice as high as that of the civil servants. It is a high salary to raise idle people. In addition to the need to contribute during the war, there is nothing to do at ordinary times. It is really easy.
Coulson heard Hou Jing make a wish and sneered at his heart. "The rank of the immortal officer in the Tang Dynasty is extremely high and the lowest, and the rank of the four masters is so high. I also think that Coulson is born in the Dragon and Tiger Mountains and has refined gas. The third floor induction heaven and earth repair is just a four masters. Two or three of these people are not as good as my Hou Jing. This is pulling the tiger skin and pulling the downwind flag to fool these people!"
Although Coulson knew that Hou Jing was lying, he wouldn’t tell the truth. After all, he and Hou Jing were on the side. He glanced around coldly, except for the fact that Qingye’s eyes were slightly dignified, and he showed contempt for others. But in the end, Coulson’s eyes fell on Jiao Feishen, but his heart was shocked and he thought, "People’s mana depends on their aura. How can this little Taoist priest and the girls around him converge so that I can’t see the depth?"
JiaoFei hear Hou Jing is to train soldiers heart andao "how to train soldiers without a few years? Hou Jing is still a registered brother, brother Su Zhen, and he can’t do it. I don’t know what soldiers he wants to practice. "
Chapter 9 Anu
Hou Jingdao would not have stayed in Yumen for even half a day if he hadn’t been entrusted by Su Zhen to enter the school.
In a hurry, Jiao Fei can’t see that Hou Jing’s mind is firm. Did he just think for a moment? "I’ll stay in Yumen for a few more days to see Hou Jing. If he has a heart for seeking truth, he will give me a little advice. If he has been greedy for wealth and prosperity, he is full of family and national affairs. I will leave him alone." I decided to look at these Taoist priests coldly. After caring about it, Qingye was the first to salute Hou Jing. "We are all willing to help General Hou train Taoist soldiers."
Hou Jing was very happy and self-effacing to thank these Taoist magicians one by one, and secretly gave Kouxun a wink. Kouxun cleared his cough. "From today on, you Taoist friends will stay here for a while, and you can ask me to come here. This is the training road. I hope you Taoist friends will try to figure out the wrong steps."
As soon as Kouxun raised his hand, a Taoist priest distributed an array to more than ten Taoist priests here. Although he glanced at Jiao Fei, he still gave him a piece of Jiao Fei. When he looked at this array, he laughed. "It turned out to be Huanglong Array. He was going to train 1,500 Huanglongbing. Where is this Huanglongbing? It’s my Tianhe Sword Sect. My brother can learn a shallow array, but he can’t fight it."
Hou Jing confessed a few words, that is, it was obvious that everything about training Huang Longbing was entrusted to Kouxun, the fourth division commander. Jiao Fei looked at it at random for a while and turned the fly ash into wind spontaneous combustion. Even if he had some doubts about him, Kouxun dared not come to Luo Chan.
After a while, more than 2,000 Miao people came to the barracks, all of whom were physically vigorous and fierce. Although many people thought it strange that they were not training Chinese soldiers, they were too lazy to take care of it. Jiao Fei knew that Hou Jing had been in the scenic zone, and these fears were all that he was brave enough to subdue the Miao tough soldiers. These Miao people could be brought to the western regions by Hou Jing, and it took several thoughts to subdue their loyalty. Hou Jing didn’t know that Datang Tian had such soldiers before he could be called Qinbing.
These 2,000 Hmong people are also quite literate. They are arranged in an array around one minute, and a girl in Hmong costume rushes out on a peach blossom horse. This Hmong girl gives a slight hand to Coulson and is not respectful. She grabs a soft speech, just like Oriole goes out of the valley and says to all the Taoist priests, "Anu is a female in the scenic area who doesn’t understand the empty words. I promised to help Hou Jing train, so I will definitely help him. You will all listen to my command. I don’t want to deal with the rules in the scenic area. This is Hou Jing’s promise that you dare to resist me."
Green leaf reality flew into a rage, "Hou Jing is a thick word to ask me to wait until you this little Miao girl incredibly dare to be so disrespectful to you when I am what? Can you also order around? "
Anu Qiaoxiaoqianxi said in the peach blossom Ma Wanfu ceremony, "Why don’t I make a bet with this Taoist? If you can win, I don’t need to respect my orders. If Taoist loses …"
Green leaf reality was immediately shocked by this Anu and shouted, "If the reality loses, it will be evaded from your command."